How Temperature and Humidity Sensors Prevent Cold Chain Compromises
The question is often asked how temperature and humidity sensors prevent cold chain compromises. These are state-of-the-art products that Cold Watch supply. The current situation in South Africa with the ongoing energy crisis is a case of why Cold Watch products are necessary.
The current continual rolling blackouts or ‘load-shedding’ means that the supply of electricity is constantly interrupted. It has dire consequences for many industries but more so for the fresh food and pharmaceutical industries which rely heavily on constant refrigeration or freezing of their products. For some industries it will require regulating temperature, for others, it could involve regulating the combination of temperature and humidity.
Products such as fruit and vegetables, meats and medicines need to be at a constant temperature whilst stationary at a depot. These products are also often stationed in multiple locations from point of origin to destination and in transit. This is known as the ‘cold chain’. Each of these locations require maintaining proper environmental control to ensure that the products do not spoil.
Effective Management of your Cold Chain can be Challenging
When there is a scenario that results in just one point in the cold chain being compromised it means that this can potentially lead to the waste of the products. Cold Watch can prevent such occurrences.
The Cold Watch temperature and humidity sensors effectively measure and record the temperature of fridges/ freezers or cold containment units when in storage or transit. This is a unique combination of science, process and technology to ensure the effectiveness of temperature and humidity monitoring solutions in the cold chain environment.
Consistent Cold Storage
As part of the cold chain for customers, Cold Watch also provides consistent, well-managed monitored cold storage facilities, ensuring that when stationary, products are maintained at the correct temperature and humidity. Cold storage facilities include all sizes and types of refrigeration units, such as walk-in fridges, freezers, and cold rooms.
The Cold Watch Difference
The benefits of Cold Watch temperature and humidity sensors is to prevent and monitor when the cold chain is compromised, making it highly beneficial to industries that are impacted by the effects of load-shedding.
Cold Watch is focused on providing management solutions to stakeholders in the cold chain process so that product wastage can be minimized with accurate real-time data that is provided by tracking products on a global scale. Cold Watch services and products bridge the gap between industry, technology and the consumer.
If you are a business in constant jeopardy of your products being compromised, contact Cold Watch for a reliable, cold-chain monitoring and management solution to your specific requirement and find out for yourself how temperature and humidity sensors prevent cold chain compromises!